Form OAG-01, June 2021
Pursuant to KRS 61.870 to 61.884, the public is notified that the public records of the Highland Heights Police, Kentucky are open for inspection by any Kentucky resident on written request to the custodian of records. The request must include the name of the requesting party, a mailing or email address of the requesting party, a description of the documents requested, whether the request is for commercial purpose, a statement about how the applicant is a resident of Kentucky, and the signature of the requesting party. Regular business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, each week, except holidays. An application form for inspection of public records is available on the website,, or will be furnished upon request to the custodian of records.
Direct all open records requests by using fillable form below or in writing to:
Highland Heights Police Department
Attn: Mary Oergel, Police Clerk
176 Johns Hill Road Highland Heights, KY 41076
Phone: 859-441-8956
Applicants for the inspection of public records shall be advised of the availability of the records requested for inspection, and shall be notified in writing not later than five (5) working days (weekends and holidays are excluded), after the custodian of records receives a request for inspection, of any reason the records requested are not available for public inspection.
An applicant within the county may be required by the Police Department to inspect the public records described in the request within the offices of the Police Department during regular business hours. Suitable facilities will be made available for the exercise of this right. At no time shall the applicant remove public records from the Police Department’s offices.
Copies of written material in the public records of the Police Department shall be furnished to any person requesting them for non-commercial purposes, on payment of a fee of ten (10) cents per page; copies of nonwritten records (photographs, maps, material stored in computer files or libraries, etc.) shall be furnished on request, on payment of a charge equal to the actual cost of producing copies of such records by the most economical process not likely to damage or alter the record. All costs are required to be paid in advance of receiving copies. Any applicant requesting mailed copies shall also pay the cost of postage for mailing such copies in advance of the receipt of the copies.
Applicants requesting copies of public records for a commercial purpose (KRS 61.874) shall provide a certified statement to the Police Department stating the commercial purpose for which the records shall be used, and shall be required to enter into a contract with the City. The contract shall state the fee required by the Police Department to produce copies to be used for a commercial purpose.
Form OAG-01, June 2021
Request to Inspect Public Records