ERLANGER, Ky. (WKRC) – Flash flooding in Erlanger Monday evening caused problems for homeowners and drivers.
Stevenson Road near Rainbow Park and Kimberly was closed because of high water. Water could be seen bubbling up from the manholes in the road.
The flooding also caused sewage backups in homes on Concord Drive.
“I’m up the hill from where my neighbors are at. I’m only dealing with three to six inches of water, but it’s still sewage water coming back into my basement. And this basement used to be
completely finished. I spent two years doing all the work myself,” said resident Darryl Willett.
It’s the third time since 2009 Willett has had to clean up sewage from his basement. It’s particularly aggravating to him since his sewer rates just went up and he says he can’t get anyone to fix the
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